Blogger BlogNet68615

Blog Marketing - The Best Ways to Market Your Blog For Increased Traffic and Profits

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If you're doing blog marketing, it'd be a good idea to make full use of the blog's SEO capabilities. Search engines love blogs because Blogger and Wordpress are viewed as authority sites by Google.

You can optimize your blog for the search engines by doing a few things:

1. Optimizing your meta tags

2. Installing SEO plug-ins

3. Optimizing your blog posts with a good keyword density (include your targeted keyword phrase in the title and in the body of your post. Tag your blog post)

Among other ways of driving traffic to your blog include:

Social bookmarking: Use OnlyWire or Social Marker to explode your social bookmarking traffic without much effort. OnlyWire is my favorite choice; it makes it very easy to submit my site's bookmark to nearly a dozen or so of the best social bookmarking sites, giving my blog more SEO power and traffic almost instantly.

Article marketing: Really effective for driving targeted traffic. It's another free technique we're talking about here and it drives some of the most responsive visitors that are hungry for information. The best article directory around is Ezine Articles and it is a must in your repertoire. Other options include using an article submitter like Article Post Robot or an article submission service like Submit Your Article or Article Marketer.

Blog comments: Comment on high trafficked blogs in your niche. You can make a list of 5-10 popular blogs and post informative comments on them often, with a link back to your blog. The traffic from this is less residual and usually dries up unless you post comments regularly to other blogs.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 51-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now before it's gone!

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