Blogger BlogNet68615

Moving Your Web Site to a New Web Host


Switching Web Hosts

There are many reasons that may make you decide to switch to a new web host, from poor customer support or unreliable servers to that of needing additional features not supported by your current host.

The initial decision to swap may seem like a huge step and you can be forgiven for having a little trepidation, but if you follow the advice here you should find the transition to be so smooth that your customers/visitors will not even be aware you have switched.

Before you switch, ensure that the new host you have chosen can fulfil all the roles you expect of it, that your business has room to grow and the customer support, control panel and other features are to your liking once this has been established you should take out the new contract - note do not cancel your old contract yet, you should ensure that you have everything set up and running on your new server before you cancel your old contract. That way all you need to do is change your DNS and your site is up and running as soon as your domain is re-pointed.

Most web hosts will provide a means by which you can access your server before changing the DNS, you should be able to upload your site via ftp, access the control panel and use it to set up your site and email in preparation for activation.

Once all this has been achieved you are ready to re-point your domain to your new DNS, to do this you need to get the address of your new DNS there are generally two which should look like this:


It should be noted that it may take up to 72hrs before the whole switch is complete, as even if the Domain Name Server updates immediately (which is not usually the case) it takes time for the routers around the internet to update their DNS databases.

One your site is up and running and you are happy with it, you can cancel your old subscription.

This process if adhered to should result in a smooth swap with little or no down time as the routers will be sending your domain to either server and both of which have your web site on them.

Reviewed on 23 Sept 2008 by James Betchley, Administrator of Which Domain Host a great resource for web hosting guidance.

Web Hosting

Your Guide To Microsoft Exchange Hosting


As we all know, the modern workplace is becoming increasingly remote. The days of being chained to a desk are now over, thanks to advanced technology which allows users to access information on mobile devices, whenever and wherever they wish.

This freedom is about to become much easier with Microsoft Exchange Hosting from Genesis Communications. Read on to find out all you need to know about a product which is set to revolutionise mobile business communication.

What is Microsoft Exchange Hosting?

The Benefits of Microsoft Exchange Hosting
  • Truly Remote Access

  • Empower Your Workforce

  • User-friendly Format

  • Peace of Mind

  • Comprehensive Data Protection

  • Reduce Compliance Risk

  • Hassle Free

  • Uptime Guaranteed

  • Affordability
  • Features
  • Exchange Management Shell

  • Exchange ActiveSync

  • Outlook Web Access

  • Outlook Auto-Discover

  • Smart Scheduling

  • Improved Search

  • Bundled Encryption

  • Improved User Interface

  • Increased Storage
  • Glossary of Terms

    Mobile Device



    Microsoft Exchange

    Microsoft Outlook


    Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES)

    Anti-Spam Protection

    Anti Virus Filter

    Anti-Phishing Protection

    Approved Microsoft Partner

    What is Microsoft Exchange Hosting?

    Microsoft Exchange Hosting is a platform for Exchange - a messaging and collaborative software product which allows users to access emails, contacts, calendar and other tasks remotely through Microsoft Outlook on a Blackberry, or other mobile device.

    In order for Exchange to work, it has to be 'hosted' through a Microsoft Exchange Server. This requires a modern, high performance server and software, which are both expensive to purchase and maintain.

    To access Exchange on a Blackberry, users also require a Blackberry Enterprise Server. The combined, typical set-up cost of this equipment is approximately 9,000. In addition to this, the server has to be maintained. Historically, this has meant that businesses either have to hire someone 'in-house' or contract an external IT company to do this for them. The typical cost of this can be anything from 5000 to 25000 per year.

    These figures have meant that before now, hosted exchange has been simply too costly for many businesses. This is where Genesis Communications can help.

    Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 from Genesis now takes care of the server and hosting element, saving you the cost of complex equipment and the hassle of maintaining it.

    The Benefits of Exchange Hosting

    Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 has been specially designed to be easy to maintain and manage. It delivers increased access and communication power to workers, whilst at the same time offering comprehensive protection for your business and its systems.

    Read on to discover all of the benefits that Microsoft Hosted Exchange has to offer:

    Truly Remote Access - With Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, users can access important Access e-mail, voice mail, calendar, and contacts from virtually anywhere, anytime using:

    A desktop computer

    A laptop computer

    A mobile device

    Empower Your Workforce - Information is power, and with Microsoft Hosted Exchange you can give your workforce a unified messaging service which keeps everything in one convenient place.

    You can now receive e-mail, voicemail and faxes through a single inbox. For example, voicemail can be forwarded with added text notes which can be found using a built-in search facility.

    With Exchange Server 2007 you can deliver these time-saving features, to ensure that your workforce is more productive and efficient.

    User Friendly Format - Exchange has a familiar, user-friendly experience based on the tried and tested Microsoft Outlook platform.

    Peace of mind - Exchange Hosting offers peace of mind, with all of your incoming and outgoing emails being scanned by dedicated data protection software.

    Comprehensive Data Protection - Exchange provides integrated anti-virus, anti-spam and anti-phishing technology to stop the latest threats before they impact upon your systems.

    Reduce Compliance Risk - Exchange Server 2007 has been designed to help your business comply with corporate, regulatory, and legal requirements.
    It has been designed to ease the workload of administrators charged with applying and enforcing compliance policies, avoiding adverse impact and increasing productivity.

    Hassle-Free - Microsoft Hosted Exchange from Genesis not only saves money; it also eliminates all of the hassle that comes with the upkeep and maintenance of a server. This will leave you free to concentrate on your work tasks, safe in the knowledge that you are in the hands of one of the UK's leading exchange server hosting providers.

    Uptime Guaranteed - So confident are they in the service, Genesis' Microsoft Exchange Hosting is backed by a 99.9% Level of Uptime Service Agreement.

    Affordability - Genesis are now offering Microsoft hosted exchange from as little 8.40 per month, making it an extremely affordable solution for your business


    Want to know more about Microsoft Exchange Server 2007? Here are some of its key features:

    Web Ready Document Viewing - A new feature allows Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF) to be accessed as e-mail attachments or displayed as HTML, even if Office isn't installed on the client PC.

    Exchange Management Shell - The PowerShell scripting language, specifically optimised for Exchange, offers handy tools for the day-to-day e-mail administrator.

    Exchange ActiveSync - Improved direct push e-mail ensures ActiveSync clients receive messages on server connect.

    Other mobile-friendly features include inline message fetch - the ability to download long attachments without reloading the entire message. As well as this, information rights management allows users with proper authority to view protected messages without being connected to a server.

    Outlook Web Access - The latest OWA client is more or less identical to the popular Outlook 2003 desktop interface. Features and views are nearly the same, and performance is excellent.

    Outlook Auto-Discover - Administrators no longer need to walk to client desktops to configure Outlook access to a specific account location. Users simply enter their user names and passwords, and Outlook automatically does the rest

    Smart Scheduling - Scheduling Assistant and Calendar Attendant mean that Exchange tracks not only the schedules of all meeting invitees but also the availability of meeting rooms. Therefore, meetings can be fully scheduled without everyone's Outlook client being connected.

    Improved Search - A rewritten search algorithm noticeably boosts the speed at which Outlook can find specific messages in large message stores.

    Bundled Encryption - Exchange can now automatically encrypt all e-mail messages sent within the local organisation. It also automatically supports TSL (Transcript Security Layer) encryption, including built-in certificates.

    Improved User Interface - Exchange helps to save time and effort with advanced management tools. A new and improved user interface means that diagnostics, monitoring and troubleshooting tools are now in one place and easier than ever to use.
    Increased Storage - As a native 64 Bit application, Exchange offers greater than ever storage capability to accommodate increasing demands for memory.

    Glossary of Terms

    Mobile Device - This refers to a handheld device such as a Blackberry, which allows you to access email and other applications whilst on the move.

    Server - A server computer (server for short) is a computer system that has been designated for running a specific server application such as Microsoft Exchange.

    Hosting - This refers to a computer (server) containing data or programs that another computer can access by means of a network or modem. These programs, such as Exchange are 'hosted' by a server.

    Microsoft Exchange - A Multi-purpose messaging software, useful for managing tasks such as email.

    Microsoft Outlook - Used mainly as an e-mail application, Outlook also provides a calendar, task and contact management, note taking, a journal and web browsing. Outlook can be synchronised with your mobile device.

    Synchronising - This refers to the process of transferring files between two devices. This is done automatically. For example, when you edit details of a contact in outlook on your computer, this change is also made on your mobile device once it is connected.

    Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) - Connects to Microsoft Exchange, to synchronise email and other information between desktop and mobile software.

    Anti-Spam Protection - Automatically blocks unwanted, nuisance email otherwise known as Spam.

    Anti Virus Filter - Checks email for viruses which could be harmful to your computer

    Anti-Phishing Protection - Protects your system from hackers attempting to fraudulently obtain usernames, passwords, credit card details and other sensitive data

    Approved Microsoft Partner
    Genesis has been specially approved to supply Exchange Hosting, having been awarded Microsoft Gold Partner Status in 2007. This is a certification which is only awarded to those who meet Microsoft's rigorous standards and testing.

    We are also a Microsoft small business specialist having demonstrated a high level of competency in providing communications solutions for small businesses. For more info contact

    Web Hosting

    World of Warcraft is easily one of the most popular compute games to come along in this decade. That also happens to make World of Warcraft one of the most easily targeted instances of shortcuts and cheating by players around the world. Players who use cheats, hacks and scams are commonplace as they want to finish the game quicker and get further without putting in quite as much time.

    Blizzard has done their part to keep the use of these cheats and hacks to a minimum, and the terms of service that every player agrees to before logging into their accounts after an update outline exactly what might happen if a player cheats. Regardless, various World of Warcraft bots are used on a regular basis to make certain aspects of the game slightly easier.

    What is a Bot?

    A bot is essentially a simple piece of software that makes takes over the job of basic interaction between the game and player, cutting out a few of the less desirable tasks that players must perform to level up in World of Warcraft. Often, bots will bypass simple tasks such as fighting lower level characters or seeking out mining and herbalism veins.

    A player who has only put a couple of hours into World of Warcraft can reach level 60 or 70 with only the smallest input of time and energy. Of course, Blizzard immediately turns to crack down on this rampant use of Bots to cheat in World of Warcraft. Thousands of players have been banned outright for their use of Bots and the risk is still high for anyone still considering using one.

    The Long Term Effect of Bots

    Because theyve become a target for Blizzard, Bots have also started developing rapidly to overcome their detection methods and make it easier to track down and ban players who are cheating in World of Warcraft. This creates higher quality bots as well as third party services designed to offer the same quick leveling and gold creation services without the immediate risk of using software to cheat. Of course, those that use leveling services in World of Warcraft are just as at risk as anyone else of losing their account for cheating though it is slightly harder for Blizzard to track this activity.

    Ultimately, its important for you, as the gamer, to read through the Terms of Service every now and then to realize that many of the actions you might be considering are in fact no allowed. If you utilize these methods and your account is banned, the writing is right there telling you that you agreed not to do it. Its also important to realize when other players might be utilizing bots or cheating in World of Warcraft, especially if it is affecting you directly; then it is vital to inform someone of that activity.

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    Blogger BlogNet68615: Nov 7, 2008

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