Blogger BlogNet68615

Online Wealth - Make Money Online by Blogging


There has truly never been a better time to be a writer. With written content being the number one thing people search for on the internet, there is practically limitless opportunity for writers to find avenues to publish their work and make money.

You set up a personal blog that you can use to write about whatever it is you want to. Some people use the opportunity to write highly searchable content in order to earn money. Other people write more personal opinion pieces and connect with other readers in a dialogue about a certain topic.

It is fairly easy to sign up for a free blogging content management system. There are many blogging platforms out there. First, think about what you want your site to be about, think of a good name, and then start writing, and start making money online.

I recommend to people who are just starting out publishing to start writing for a site that already gets ample traffic. This way, writers get instant exposure and can even start to earn money. Later, when you decide to start your own private domain blog, you can promote it anywhere else you already publish your work. If you can find an opportunity to write for someone else's website and put a link to your own website, this could be a good way to get some readers to your website.

I've tried out a lot of the sites where you can write and earn with the Google AdSense advertising program. Start a website and you can earn money from your published content for eternity, and you can delete it any time also. It's yours so you can do whatever you want with it.

An added bonus is that you can make money from your blog from the advertisements on your pages. If you are familiar with Google AdSense, then you already basically know how this works. AdSense is Google's advertising program, which is very prevalent on the web.

Almost any site you visit will have some AdSense advertisements on it. They are very simple, usually just two or three lines of text promoting a product or service that relates to the content of the site. The owner of the site on which these ads are posted earns some money through the Google AdSense program for each time someone clicks on the ads. So bloggers can get paid to write. Popular bloggers with multiple sites can make some decent money.

A quick thing about AdSense: when you sign up, you get a personal code that you can post on any site that you own or can gain ad revenue from. It is your code and no one else has access to it. You are also paid directly from the Google Adsense program.

Chris is a writer, online marketer, and content publisher. He owns several websites and writes Los Angeles Lasik Surgery Guide.

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Blogger Tutorials - How to Use Blogger


Starting a blog using blogger can be a simple or hard process depending on how to about doing it.

If your new to blogging, Blogger may be the best choice for you to start out with. After you've gotten your feet wet a little bit, or if you want to use your blog for business purposes you can think about switching to Wordpress. Wordpress in my opinion is a much better blogging system for people who are serious about blogging. But if your just blogging for entertainment purposes, Blogger is probably sufficient for your blogging needs.

Getting started with a Blogger blog is simple, all you need to do is go to and sign up for a free blog. If you use Gmail you don't even need to create a new account, you can just use your gmail account.

After you sign-up for your blog you need to choose a name and a template for it. The subject of your blog should determine the name of it. So try to pick a name that identifies with the subject of your blog. You don't want to mislead people and then have them turn away once they get to your blog. Try to give your blog a name that people can remember.

After picking a name for your blog its time to pick a template to design your blog around. Templates are good if you don't know how to design blog templates. The template that you choose isn't permanent so if you decide that you don't like the look of your blog, later on you can change it.

Once you've finished naming and designing the look of your blog, the next step is providing content for it. You can either create original content for your blogs yourself or you can use free information on the internet for blog content.

To learn how to make money using blogs visit -

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Dec 2, 2008

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