Blogger BlogNet68615

Who Wins in the Battle Between Wordpress and Blogger?


Wordpress and Blogger are the two dominant internet blogging systems. So it's only natural that there be heated debates over which one is better.

When people want to create a blog they basically have a choice between Wordpress or Blogger. And often times because they don't want to waste any time figuring out which one is better, they just go with the one that they found out about first or heard about somebody else using. But as they go around looking at other blogs they start seeing and hearing about other people using the "other" blogging software and start to wonder why they choose that service.

If your creating your blog for business purposes it's especially essential that you understand the advantages and disadvantages between the two.



You can put Google AdSense into your blogs.
You can promote anything that you want, any way that you want, as long as it's not illegal or against there rules and regulations
It's free!


Unless you have your own blog template or know how to design one your not going to get a top notch looking blog.
AdSense and other ads add a lot of clutter to pages and this can turn off visitors to your blog.
Very basic software that you can't do much with unless you have advanced blogging technical knowledge.



Has great templates to choose from so even if you don't know much about designing blog you can still make a nice looking one.
Very User Friendly
Excellent for use on private domains
It's free


Your not supposed to advertise products using wordpress, but they will allow you to advertise a few links if you don't over do it.
You can't personalize your blog to much unless you have your own hosting and domain.

And the winner is.... Wordpress!!

With the exception of AdWords, Wordpress offers everything that blogger has and more. And if you really want to have ads on your blog you can join some ad networks.

To learn how you can make money using blogs visit -

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Learn How to Make Money on Clickbank


How can you make money on clickbank as an affiliate marketer? Yes you can. Clickbank is just littered with opportunities, with over 10,000 products to promote and over 1000 marketing niches appearing on the internet every minute, the possibilities of making money as a clickbank affiliate are just endless. So how can you make money on clickbank. Its free to join. Once you join you have the liberties of promoting any affiliate product without any permission. you will receive a url link for each product, that is unique to you as an affiliate. When you make a sale through this link as an affiliate you will be entitled for commissions. Clickbank is the only affiliate network where affiliates are paid over 75% commission for products sold. Its very possible for you as an affiliate to make over $10,000 a month.

Its sounds like a walk in the park but it really isn't.

First of all, the product that you choose to promote as a clickbank affiliate really matter, choosing a product can determine your success rate. So your choice of product really counts. When choosing a clickbank product always go for products that have good or high gravity score. A high gravity score indicates that a product is marketable and is on high demand and affiliates are making money from it.

You can check the gravity score by going to the clickbank marketplace. Its also important that you check the percentage commissions rate of a product. You really don't want a product that has a very low percentage commission rate. The best rates range from 50%-75%. There is more to making money on clickbank than meets the eye. Your desire to succeed plus the right knowledge is what makes successful affiliate marketer.

Copyright Dennis Henry is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people succeed in their own affiliate marketing ventures. You can help your affiliate marketing business pickup a notch by joining me and other successful affiliate marketers in the biggest internet marketing community on the web. We will share our ideas with you and that can really have a big impact on your affiliate marketing career

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Oct 13, 2008

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