Blogger BlogNet68615

A Harried Housewife

0 comments is a website that talks about real life, and what life experiences there are on a daily basis. Since life is hectic and filled with all sorts of things, this site helps take the hecticness out of our every day lives. Inside youll find fun things on your munchkins as well as your furbabies. We also have a great section on hearth and home.


A comical conglomerate of websites brought together only through craziness. Youll find websites on just about everything. From websites about family, to websites about Pets, and youll even find websites about how to help you increase your wealth.

Ways To Make Money Online For Teens


Making money online seems too good to be true. Making millions of dollars in just a few minutes a day is probably impossible, but making money online is a very attainable goal. No, you probably won't make millions in a month, but it is possible to make a few bucks or, if you work really hard, a full time income.

If you want to make money online, you need to know what to look for. There are programs that can make you some extra cash or ways to make some serious income. You can start your own business, but if you have no experience on the internet and don't have any money, it might not be the best place to start.

If you want to make money without starting your own business, there are many ways to do so. There are tons of websites that claim they will make you money. Some will and some won't. You can write articles and be paid for each article or for each view, you can get paid to take surveys, or you can get paid to fill out offers. If you love to write, I would suggest joining a program that pays you to write. Some of the best article writing sites are Associate Content and Helium.

Associated content pays you $3 to $20 per article if it is approved. You can still get it published even if it's not approved and approved or not make $1.50 per 1,000 views. If you have several articles, you can get more and more page views and get paid more money. Helium is a little different. They only pay you for page views. It has a unique feature where you rate other articles. You can choose a topic and write about it, even if 100 people already wrote about it. You can write informative articles or even short stories. Other writers rate the articles and the closer you are to number 1, the more page views you will get and the more money you can make. They also have a marketplace where you can sell articles for $16 or more.

If you aren't much of a writer, there are lots of great get paid to programs, also known as GPT programs. You sign up for different offers by filling in your email and other information. They pay you 50 cents, $1, or more for each offer you do. Some offers are free trial offers that can pay you up to $20. You can do credit card offers, or you can do just free offers and still make a lot of money. My favorite GPT sites are Cashcrate and Swatcash. If you put in the time and really try, you can make as much money as a part time job but without the boss and strict hours. Click on the link in my author bio box to learn more about how you can make money from these sites.

Making money online sometimes seems too good to be true, but it is possible. You just need to know where to look. Once you've found the right program, you can start making money online today. Give it a try!

Samantha is currently attending college for a degree in accounting and likes to write about money management to teach others how to stay financially sane in a world where debt is overwhelming and money management skills are lacking. To learn more about money management and ways for teens to make money, visit her website. Also, check out more ways to make money online.

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What It Takes To Make Money Blogging


Up until very recently the idea of publishing your own syndicated content site was something only large corporations and media agencies included in their business plans. Now, it's realistic to expect you can make money blogging on almost any niche market you choose.

The concept of publishing content via really simple syndication - a standard publishing format subscription-based content which serves as the basis for blogging has been around for many years, but only recently has the news that blogging can help your search engine indexing and ranking.

In fact, before you launch your own online business, it is smart to first build a presence and reputation with the search engines leading to traffic generation and momentum before you launch your business. In some cases, your main goal will be to directly make money blogging, while in other cases the goal will be to drive income from other sources by using your blog as a main entry point for traffic.

Let's look at how your blog can help you make money online.

1. Getting your sites recognized and indexed frequently by the search engines is one way to make money blogging. Now, getting indexed doesn't mean you will rank highly, so even though blogging is important, what you really want is for some of your blog postings and/or articles to be picked up by quality sites with existing SE reputation so you can begin to move yourself up the ranking.

2. By posting quality content with personality, you will not only gain new eyeballs, but your readers will come back frequently to be informed and entertained. You want repeat visitors and links to you from other blogs and content sites to help you achieve critical mass for your blog.

3. Once you achieve a few hundred daily visitors, you can begin to "monetize" your blog by adding in links to related affiliate products, links back to your own products or services, ads served through either Pay-per-click such as Google Adsense or other ad serving agencies such as Text Link Ads.

4. As your blog grows, the ways to make money blogging can expand quickly as potential partners will seek you out knowing that you have a loyal reader base that can help them move product AND you can begin to entertain the idea of brokering your own ads instead of using ad agencies, where you only get a portion of the ad revenue.

To Make Money Blogging, You Must Generate Content

Many of the top online bloggers post daily (if not multiple posts each day) to maintain traffic and interest in their blogs.

In the beginning at least, you will have to follow this pattern.

To make money blogging your blog must also be targeted toward a specific niche market, which brings up the idea of how directed your content must be toward specific keywords.

Do you organize your posts around keyword phrases, or do you just write away and let the search engines have their day?

What we have found most effective is to create a useful, interesting blog posting and then look at how I can squeeze a keyword focus into that posting. Those who make money blogging all have informative information with personality.

That way, you are not writing to satisfy a keyword phrase, but rather fitting it in later. Most times that is possible without changing the character of the post, other times it's not and that's ok.

Here are some things you can blog about...

  • Your own experiences, case studies and stories about your topic
  • Comment on news stories, you'll find them by searching news aggregators such as Yahoo News or Google News
  • Offer up a simple tip or technique about your topic that will help your reader
  • Post a question to solicit comments and get a discussion going
  • Offer your opinion on how your topic could relate to a major news or current event item

To make money blogging you need to have lots of ideas. That's where bloggers often struggle, where do they find ideas to blog about each and every day?

If you are running out of ideas, then search other sites, look at magazines related to your topic, talk to someone about your topic and paraphrase your conversation, think about something controversial, search the web for health related implications of your topic -- any of these techniques can tweak ideas and give you your next topic for posting.

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Nov 9, 2008

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