Blogger BlogNet68615

Blog Your Way to Success

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While every internet marketer must have a website, it may be far more important to have a blog if you wish to achieve marketing success.

Your website is necessary because that is where you make your actual sales. But with the outrageous claims that so many websites make, it has become increasingly more difficult to drive traffic to a website. Surfers are getting more and more tired of all of the hype and unfulfilled promises that so many websites make.

As an alternative, surfers are far more likely to visit a blog when they are looking for information than they would a website. Blogs started out on basically a personal level and do not have the reputation for overblown hype. Even commercial blogs contain much more content and far less hype than websites. Because of this, a surfer is far more likely to visit a blog rather than a website.

In addition to that, blogs have another advantage over websites. They always have a comments section where the visitor can make comments about a particular posting. This makes the blog a 2-way street and if the reader feels that a posting is making over-hyped claims, the can respond and give feedback about the post.

So, if you want to make the best out of your marketing efforts, if you don't have one already, you must build your own blog. One thing that I have found with blogs, however, is that in an effort to monetize the blog, the blogger often add "AdSense" advertising. When I view a blog, I find this to be very distracting and draws away from the effectiveness of the blog. Go ahead an fill the blogroll with as many self-serving links as you want but don't distract from that by adding 3rd party advertising. It is only a few pennies that you will make with these 3rd party ads and it will definitely distract from your promotions on the blog.

Go ahead and promote your website with whatever advertising that you want, but one of the best ads for your website is your own blog. In addition, don't forget to look to other blogs that you can make comments on. This is another great way to drive traffic to your website or blog. Don't put any advertising in your comments but, rely upon your signature file to drive traffic for you.

So get to work. Blogging is one of the best shoestring marketing methods. For the most part, there is little or no cost involved and you can get some really great exposure.

Stan Pontiere has been an online marketer since 1997. At first part-time and then full-time since 2004. For further information on Marketing on a Shoestring please visit: or my blog at:

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