Blogger BlogNet68615

Looking After Your Health on Holiday Excursions


If you are going on a cruise as part of your summer vacation then it is no doubt a really exciting time for you. It is a once in a lifetime experience and you get to visit many holiday locations on the way. However, there is one thing that many people forget to take into account when it comes to cruises and that is their health.

Protecting Your Health on the Ship

Whilst you may not have thought about it already, it is vital that you look after your health on the cruise ship. This is because not all ships have a doctor on board. So if something was to happen and you did not have the right first aid, you could end up in a spot of trouble.

One reason why a cruise ship may not always be so healthy is because there are hundreds of people on board. The corridors can be quite narrow and so people are often packed into small spaces. This means that your health is constantly under threat. If one person had a cold on the ship then it is entirely possible that they could pass it on to a large number of people around them if they are not overly careful.

In order to protect your health on board the ship there are a number of things that you should do. Firstly you should have your own health checked before you get on board the ship. You need to know that you are healthy and safe to travel and your doctor will also be able to tell you what precautions they recommend that you take. You may have to have some vaccinations depending upon where you are going too so a trip to the doctor is definitely advised.

If you are currently taking any medications then obviously you are going to need enough for the length of the cruise. This may mean that you have to ask your doctor for a larger supply if needed. If you ran out of medication then your health would obviously be at stake and so you should always ensure that you have enough to last you.

Generally cruise ships are quite relaxing and you may find that you just want to lay back and relax and kick off your shoes. However before you do that you should keep in mind that germs are quickly spread on a cruise ship and how many people have also walked around without any shoes on? So ideally you should never take your shoes off and wander around. This is true if you're sailing from Alaska or costa blanca.

Overall excursions on cruise ships can be fun but you should always be aware of your health whilst you are there. All cruise ship vacations should be relaxing though so don't worry yourself too much about it!

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If you're among the 57% of Dallas residents who rent an apartment, condo, or house, and don't have renters insurance, you need to invest in renters insurance today.

Why? Because if you don't have insurance you could lose everything you own. For only a couple hundred dollars a year you can protect your belongings from theft, fire, vandalism, and other disasters.

Finding Cheap Renters Insurance

When you shop for renters insurance, you need to get quotes from several companies so you know you're getting the best rate.

The best way to comparison shop is to go to an insurance comparison website. Here, you fill out a simple questionnaire with information about yourself, your insurance needs, and the place you're renting. You'll then receive quotes from multiple A-rated insurance companies and you can choose the company with the best rate.

On the best insurance comparison websites, you can also talk online with insurance professionals and get answers to all your questions. (See link below.)

Save Even More with Discounts

To save even more on your Dallas renters insurance, ask about discounts you may qualify for. Insurance companies give many discounts that reduce your premium. Some common discounts for renters insurance include ...

* Auto/home discount if you insure both your car and home with the same company

* Senior citizen's and non-smoker's discounts

* Discounts for having safety features in your home, such as security systems, smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and deadbolt locks

You can also keep your premium down by setting your deductible as high as you can afford. With a higher deductible, your premium will be lower, though you'll have to pay more if you ever have to make a claim.

The Bottom Line

Your possessions are not covered by your landlord's insurance policy, so if you don't buy renters insurance, you're in danger of losing everything you own. Act now to buy this affordable coverage.

Visit to get Dallas renters insurance rate quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section, and get answers to your questions from an insurance expert by using their online chat service.

The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written numerous articles on renters insurance in Dallas.

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Aug 23, 2008

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