Blogger BlogNet68615

God of War - Chains of Olympus Demo Impressions


This is a PlayStation Portable exclusive video game that centers around Kratos. The game is a prequel to God of War and God War 2 on the PlayStation 2. Gamers will be able to delve into Kratos lifestyle prior to the unfortunate death of this wife and child. From the looks of it, God of War: Chains of Olympus looks as brutal as the PlayStation 2 games. Kratos will be armed with his usual chain blades and his ego. Even though God of War:

Chains of Olympus is a PSP game, it looks as if it was made on the PlayStation 2. The audio holds up nicely, and the visuals are right on par with the PlayStation 2 counterparts. There will no doubt be some memorable boss battles in the final iteration of God of War: Chains of Olympus, and the contact sensitive moments should be as flawless as ever. God of War fans will feel right at home with the controls. Kratos maneuvers are fairly easily to execute and significantly satisfying. Pulverizing adversaries are as engrossing as the previous games.

One notable alteration to the controls is that evading is performed with the two shoulder buttons since there is no analog stick on the PSP. There was absolutely no blunders with the frame rate, and everything ran smoothly. God of War: Chains of Olympus appears to push the PSP to the limits visually. Some opponents that Kratos encountered in the demo was a Cyclops and another enormous monster. The majority of the demo was action packed, but there were some minor puzzle solving aspects. God of War: Chains of Olympus is not God of War 3, but it will be the next best thing. The game is slated for a 2008 release date.

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The Wii is the fifth home video game console released by Nintendo. The console is the direct successor to the Nintendo GameCube. Nintendo states that its console targets a broader demographic than that of Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3. It competes with both as part of the seventh generation of video game systems. A distinguishing feature of the console is its wireless controller, the Wii Remote, which can be used as a handheld pointing device and detect movement in three dimensions.

Another is WiiConnect24, which enables it to receive messages and updates over the Internet while in standby mode. You may even know that the Wii (Nintendo ) system can do a bunch of other things as well.

The thing is, once you've played a game on the Wii, you won't ever be the same. Now you can download free Wii games, movies, TV shows, wallpapers and software for your entertainment device online.

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This is usually excluded from coverage provided by it. A comprehensive health insurance plan will only give you coverage for not more than 90-120 days. That's why there's need for long term care insurance policy is a wise move if you want to protect yourself from the financial ruin that could result from long term non-medical care.

It still remains under regular health insurance if the care required is purely medical in nature. However, for long term care that come in the form of assisted living, you need long term care insurance.

To ensure we all are on the same plate, I'll take a few moments off to explain what assisted living is. Due to a health condition or age, some people require assistance in daily routines and simple things like bathing, getting in and out of bed, getting dressed and so on.

While in most cases such care is given by family members, it does have a disorganizing effect both emotionally and socially. And, if you consider that some may require such care for a year or more, you'll appreciate the toll it could have if you don't have insurance coverage for it.

Furthermore, using a nursing home for a year could cost a couple as much as $180,000. This will ruin many people's finances. To avoid such ruin, long term care insurance is also taken apart from your health insurance policy.

Let me stress this: Your health insurance plan does not cover cost for assisted living or non-medical care for any protracted period. However, long term care insurance too does not serve as an alternative to health insurance. They are both different but useful insurance policies.

Not everyone needs long term care insurance. If you are very rich and can easily afford to spend $100,000 a year for long term care you don't need long term care insurance. If you're also so poor that you really qualify for Medicaid, then you don't need long term care insurance.

If you need long term care insurance and want to save much, visit and get long term care insurance quotes from at least three quotes sites. Compare the quotes returned and pick the best price/value.

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Not everyone needs high net worth insurance but if you fall into the category of a person that needs, it is a very wise decision to have it. If your property or the contents of your property exceeds the limits placed by your traditional property insurer then you may be a candidate for high net worth insurance.

These policies differ from traditional property insurance policies because they are meant for people who have specific items or collections that are worth a great deal of money such as expensive coin or stamp collections, a valuable car collection or estate jewelry. In these policies the items that are covered are spelled out specifically and then the value is placed on them when the policy is written.

Because these policies are written for people with great wealth other issues may arise that make this policy necessary. You may want to include in your policy a section that can protect you against disputes with employees.

I must say to the person who is seeking high net worth property insurance that buyer beware. Many companies tend to throw in unnecessary extras such as travel insurance only to pad the premiums. You may think that they are free but indivisually you are paying for it.

When you have made the decision to purchase high net property insurance it is best not to be scammed by a company. It is better to interview many local agents or companies who write this type of policy. These policies are not boilerplate and it takes an experienced agent that can write a policy that can suit your needs.

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Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Discount Insurance.

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Linux Web Hosting


While hosting a website, the owner has to decide whether he wants to host his website on the Windows platform or the Linux platform. While Windows web hosting seems to be a natural choice, Linux is catching on fast all over the world.

A Windows platform does not necessarily require a Linux environment to host a website. That said, Linux is considered to be safe, reliable, and economical and it is preferred for demanding website environments.

Generally, the choice of the operating system to host your website depends upon the scripting language that is used in your website. If languages like PHP, MySQL, or Perl are used in your website, Linux is preferred. Added to this is the very high uptime rate for Linux-based servers. These servers have the reputation of maintaining a high uptime of 99.9%. No wonder Linux-based web hosting is the most widely used web host in the world!

A Linux website can easily be converted to a Windows website without much hassle. Also, the website can easily be changed as the requirement of the user grows. Linux web hosting is very economical as Linux is a free operating system. Usually, only the cost of distribution is borne by the host or owner.

However, a Linux environment is not without its kinks. It your website has interactive facilities like chat or searchable database, Linux may not be the best choice. Also, a Linux-based web server is not fully compliant with Windows technologies. If you are using any Windows-centric technologies such VB, its better to go for Windows-based servers.

The bottom line? Make the choice for an operating system for your website based on the kind of website you are about to host.

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How to Choose a Web Host


Once you decide that you need web page either for your business, non-profit organization or simply a fun personal page, you then have the Herculean task of choosing a web host. Hopefully, the host you choose will be easy on the pocket, and offer maximum uptime, enough bandwidth support, appropriate web-space, and excellent customer service and support. Most web hosting services will not excel in all areas, however if you take the time to make an informed decision you can have it all!

The type of web services you desire and the purpose for which the web site is being created plays a major role in the choice for a web host. If the web site to be hosted is a commercial website, checking uptime period of the considered server is vital. Anything less than 99.5% uptime would be unacceptable for most commercial web sites. This is because search engines may be indexing your site at any moment of time and if your site were down it would lose its chance to be indexed on that particular search engine and hence lose probable business. Also, existing customers who would be visiting your site and are unable to load your web page may develop a negative impression about you that could harm business reputation. If the site is for a non-profit organization, a club or any personal page intending to only keep related people informed about certain aspects, a requirement for 99.5% uptime might not be a major criterion in your decision.

Another important aspect is the amount of file space that host offers. An average commercial web site normally contains not more than a few hundred web pages, some java or php scripts and image and multimedia files. All this information ordinarily does on not require web space more than 50-100 MB. Some hosts will charge a lot for additional space, while others will provide much more than 50-100 MB at a minimal cost.

Bandwidth is another issue you should carefully consider. If your site is just a personal homepage, it is unlikely you will get much traffic. However, if your site is an ecommerce site and you are expecting upwards of a thousand visitors a day, you should check the monthly bandwidth allowance that the host offers, since you will be charged if your site goes over this amount.

Make sure to check what extras the host offers. Does it give you up to 3 email accounts, or up to 100? Does it allow you to setup subdomains? What technologies does it support? For instance, if you plan to use PHP, make sure that server actually has PHP installed!

Finally, you should check out the web hosts reputation. Have they been in business a long time? Do they have a good reputation within the industry? Are they known for customer service? If your web site is a critical piece of your business, it would be wise to entrust it to a reputable hosting service.

Paul Herbert is very interested in UK web hosting. Learn more at

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If you're among the 57% of Dallas residents who rent an apartment, condo, or house, and don't have renters insurance, you need to invest in renters insurance today.

Why? Because if you don't have insurance you could lose everything you own. For only a couple hundred dollars a year you can protect your belongings from theft, fire, vandalism, and other disasters.

Finding Cheap Renters Insurance

When you shop for renters insurance, you need to get quotes from several companies so you know you're getting the best rate.

The best way to comparison shop is to go to an insurance comparison website. Here, you fill out a simple questionnaire with information about yourself, your insurance needs, and the place you're renting. You'll then receive quotes from multiple A-rated insurance companies and you can choose the company with the best rate.

On the best insurance comparison websites, you can also talk online with insurance professionals and get answers to all your questions. (See link below.)

Save Even More with Discounts

To save even more on your Dallas renters insurance, ask about discounts you may qualify for. Insurance companies give many discounts that reduce your premium. Some common discounts for renters insurance include ...

* Auto/home discount if you insure both your car and home with the same company

* Senior citizen's and non-smoker's discounts

* Discounts for having safety features in your home, such as security systems, smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and deadbolt locks

You can also keep your premium down by setting your deductible as high as you can afford. With a higher deductible, your premium will be lower, though you'll have to pay more if you ever have to make a claim.

The Bottom Line

Your possessions are not covered by your landlord's insurance policy, so if you don't buy renters insurance, you're in danger of losing everything you own. Act now to buy this affordable coverage.

Visit to get Dallas renters insurance rate quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section, and get answers to your questions from an insurance expert by using their online chat service.

The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written numerous articles on renters insurance in Dallas.

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Cough Medicine Controversy


Many doctors have declared war on cough medicines, saying the latter are ineffective and are often used inappropriately. Worse, they are also one of the most abused drugs in the country.

A 2006 survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or SAMHSA showed that about 3.1 million people between the ages of 12 to 25 have used over-the-counter cough and cold medicine to get high.

"The abuse was highest among whites - at levels three times that of blacks. Overall, the level of abuse of these drugs is comparable to levels of use of LSD, methamphetamine or the drug ecstasy in this age group, the agency said. Among those ages 12 to 17, abuse of these drugs was most common among girls, while it shifted to young men among those 18 to 25," said the MSNBC News Services.

"Among those surveyed who said they had misused one of these cough and cold medications in the past year, about 30 percent said they used a NyQuil brand product, 18 percent used a Coricidin product and 18 percent used a Robitussin product," MSNBC added.

A common ingredient of over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicine is dextromethorpan or DMX that can cause dizziness, disorientation, blurred vision, slurred speech, nausea and vomiting when taken in large doses.

Drug companies don't seem to mind the bad publicity cough medicines are getting and for a good reason. These products are earning billions of dollars worldwide. In the United Kingdom, an estimated S275 million was spent on cough and cold remedies in 1991 alone. In that same year, Germans spent $547 million on self-medication with these products.

In spite of this gloomy picture, there is a good side to cough medicines. While I commend doctors' efforts to protect consumers from dangerous drugs, the public should also be informed that certain coughs have to be treated, especially if they serve no purpose and interfere with sleep. What's the best way to treat this kind of cough? What products work? How should they be used? This four part series will give you practical and medically sound guidelines on how to manage coughs.

It is said that if you dream of having a cough, it is a sign of impending disaster. That may be true in some cases for a cough is a symptom of many diseases. It should be brought to a doctor's attention if it persists to rule out any underlying problem.

Coughing is the body's way of clearing air passages of foreign matter and other secretions. In people with asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung diseases, this kind of "productive" cough should not be suppressed. In most cases, drinking plenty of fluids -three to four pints a day or chicken soup - is all that's required. That will help loosen phlegm.

"The cough is a protective reflex; it clears your breathing passes of secretions. As long as it accomplishes this task effectively, it is to be regarded as normal and even healthy," said Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book."

To strengthen your body, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system. For details, visit (Next: Controlling cough).

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Aug 28, 2008

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