Blogger BlogNet68615

Making Money From Your Blogs

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I bet you didn't know this, but you can make some serious moo-lah from your blogs. There are seriously a great many of bloggers that use their blogs to make money every month. I'm talking from a few hundred dollars a month as extra residual income, to upwards of a thousand bucks or even a few thousand. Sounds exciting doesn't it? Imagine creating an income stream from a stupid blog that generates you a few large every month.

How do they do it? Well I'm not one that makes quite that much from blogs, but I do make a tiny little trickle of income from several of mine. It is already starting to add up. One more way I love making money by writing is articles. But that's a different topic and I'll write about that another day.

Here's the deal, some bloggers are beginners or just starting out and have no clue how to make any money by blogging. I'm sure a great majority who blog on a regular basis are already aware of the methods. Regardless of your skill levels, it is actually very possible to make some big time money from doing this in your spare time. There are even professional bloggers that do this as their main business. Blogging from your own home or the comfort of your own time schedule is a very lucrative job that many folks don't realize.

There are a couple of popular sites that you can sign up with and follow their site guidelines and policies to make money. I blog on a few of these myself and make a bit of money on the side. You can to if you enjoy blogging every day and pursue it with a little bit of motivation.

Here is a list of some of the more popular sites. I myself use the top two as I believe they are the most popular at least in my opinion.

  • PayPerPost
  • BlogToProfit
  • Blogitive
  • Blogsvertise
  • Creamaid

I'd like to continue with a follow up of how your blogs can be content rich and relevant for you to make some decent side cash.

Happy blogging!



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