Blogger BlogNet68615

Making Money From Your Blogs


I bet you didn't know this, but you can make some serious moo-lah from your blogs. There are seriously a great many of bloggers that use their blogs to make money every month. I'm talking from a few hundred dollars a month as extra residual income, to upwards of a thousand bucks or even a few thousand. Sounds exciting doesn't it? Imagine creating an income stream from a stupid blog that generates you a few large every month.

How do they do it? Well I'm not one that makes quite that much from blogs, but I do make a tiny little trickle of income from several of mine. It is already starting to add up. One more way I love making money by writing is articles. But that's a different topic and I'll write about that another day.

Here's the deal, some bloggers are beginners or just starting out and have no clue how to make any money by blogging. I'm sure a great majority who blog on a regular basis are already aware of the methods. Regardless of your skill levels, it is actually very possible to make some big time money from doing this in your spare time. There are even professional bloggers that do this as their main business. Blogging from your own home or the comfort of your own time schedule is a very lucrative job that many folks don't realize.

There are a couple of popular sites that you can sign up with and follow their site guidelines and policies to make money. I blog on a few of these myself and make a bit of money on the side. You can to if you enjoy blogging every day and pursue it with a little bit of motivation.

Here is a list of some of the more popular sites. I myself use the top two as I believe they are the most popular at least in my opinion.

  • PayPerPost
  • BlogToProfit
  • Blogitive
  • Blogsvertise
  • Creamaid

I'd like to continue with a follow up of how your blogs can be content rich and relevant for you to make some decent side cash.

Happy blogging!



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Blogging For Money Made Easy


First things first, before you start thinking about designing your blog and setting it up you need to think about how you want to make money with your blog. There are three main ways to do this.

1. Adwords / Pay Per Click Ads - Using pay per click ads you don't have to sell anything to anybody and you can still make money. The problem with pay per click is that they can sometimes make your blog look junkie if you have to many ads running. Remember as long as the content of your blog is in line with your ads people will click on them so you don't have to jumble your blogs with ads. And if you strategically place your ads between important paragraphs or beside important segments of your blog your guaranteed to get people clicking on them.

2. Affiliate Products - If you can find a good affiliate product to promote this is the second most profitable way to make money with your blog. To find a good affiliate product go to and look for a product with a high gravity rating, a high gravity rating means that the product is selling. And make sure that the product you choose to promote pays you at least 20-30 dollars per sale. You don't want to promote anything that's not going to make you any real money.

3. Sell Your Own Product - This is the most profitable way to utilize a blog. If you create your own products you can keep all of the profits. With adwords and affiliate products your forced to share you commission with somebody else.

Creating a products isn't as hard as some people make it out to be. A lot of people think that they have to create products catering to undiscovered niches to make any money online. But the truth is, with all of the new people that browse the internet every day, if you can provide them with a helpful product, they don't care if someone else has a similar product. So try to look for things that people need help with when creating your products.

And of course if you can find a under serviced niche that nobody is servicing, by all means create a product for it. With no competition your guaranteed to make money if you offer a quality product.

After you've decided on what method you want to use to make money on with you blog, the next step is to drive traffic to it.

The best way to get traffic is to do good keyword research on content that you think people will be interested in and make the keywords the subject title of your blog and any post that you make to it. After you post new content to your blog, submit the articles that you posted to article directories with a link back to your blog. This will give you a steady stream of traffic.

If you want to learn guaranteed methods to make money with a blog visit -

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Blogging 101


Why do you want to blog?

You might be a budding writer wishing to let the world know how your imagination can soar, or you may have a hidden journalist hidden within you fighting to come out. Probably you know more that everyone about the dietary habits of people of shire, or might be you just want to tell every one how your last vacation was.

Who is gonna read your blogs?

If you take the pains to write, what fun it would be if no one read your blogs. Before you start writing, think! Is there an audience for what you will write? Is the niche already too overcrowded with writers? There might be a huge audience for blogs about iPods, but with millions of people writing about it, what chances your blog has of getting popular? Will writing about the latest gossip in your locality be a better idea?

Where are you gonna blog?

To start blogging you will need to choose your blog provider and platform. is the foremost blogging platform today and it is free. You may want to host your blog yourself; wordpress from is most suited for it. offers free wordpress based host. There are some other options but these are most popular.

Who are your visitors?

You need to track your visitors, see where they come from, what browsers they use and how they find you. Tracking your visitors is important as it tells you what your visitors like to read about, and help you in optimizing your blog. provides free invisible tracking, with very extensive results.

Brand yourself.

No matter what blogging tool you use, it will come with a set of default templates. Your visitors will be sick of seeing the same template over and over. Change it to something more original. When they are reading your blog they must be aware of it. Get a good logo for your blog.

Ping, link, comment.

When you update your blog, ping to blog tracking services so they may index your upadated blog and visitors find you. Link to other realated blogs and they will link to you. Visit other related blogs and leave a comment. Generally people will come to visit your blog and if you have great content a large percentage will be hooked.

Most importantly, have patience. A popular blog takes time and effort to build. So many people leave midway. If you follow these advice, and put in some effort, your blog will surely get popular. provides free PHP, mySql webhosting. Our Servers have a 99.9%+ uptime and are better than most paid webhostings.

Author: Shabda Raaj

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Dec 3, 2008

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