Blogger BlogNet68615

How to Have a Blog That Makes You Money


So you have decided that you would like to have a blog. But not just any old blog, you want to know how to have a blog that makes you some money. Of course you do. After all if you are going to be spending your time writing your opinions and thoughts, you want to be able to cash in on it.

Well the good news is that it is very easy to make money blogging. The hard thing is getting traffic to it. And you need the second if you want the first.

Fortunately search engines seem to like blogs because they usually contain unique content and are updated regularly. So as long as you are smart with your titles and keywords you should be able to get the traffic.

Think carefully about the types of keywords and phrases that you use in your blog. Avoid highly competitive words and instead try and find words or phrases with high search volume but low competition. That way your posts are likely to be ranked highly for those search terms.

Don't just stick with the typical money-making blogging topics such as 'weight loss' 'insurance' or 'make money online' either, you just never know what people are going to be interested in. One very popular blogger makes his living writing a review about the television program Lost. You wouldn't have thought writing your opinions about a television show could make you money did you?

There are many ways to make money from your blog including adding AdSense ads (Google's contextual advertising program), promoting affiliate products or even promoting your own products if you have them.

Obviously your offers need to be tightly tied into the subject matter of your blog to be relevant, but if you can get the traffic then it should be a piece of cake to make money from it.

Now that you know how to have a blog that makes you money, go get blogging!

Why not join the hundreds of people that are already making money from their blogs. Learn how to have a blog that makes you money.

Tracey is a writer and internet marketer who knows all the secrets to making money online - well most of them anyway.

Gem Island

Blogger BlogNet68615: Dec 16, 2008

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