Blogger BlogNet68615

Koi, Pond, Water Garden - Is This Your Year to Get One?


A water feature in your garden or back yard adds beauty, value, movement - and an amazing sense of tranquility and peace! This article is intended to provide a few tips and ideas to help make the job of installation easier, save money, avoid mistakes, and help you get the most from your new addition!

First, you should decide exactly what you want. A water garden could be anything from a large tub with a few water plants to a huge pond with stream, waterfall, bridge, and extensive plantings of waterlilies, bog iris and marginal plants. However, if you also want fish - especially koi - this adds another level of planning.

With any water feature, nice clean water enhances the overall picture. With koi, you will also need well-oxygenated water free of chemicals and toxins that could harm your fish. This includes ammonia generated by fish wastes, and chemicals which might help clear your water and be harmless to plants, but could be toxic to your fish. This is where filtration comes in - and a good filtration system can ease the maintenance of a larger pond even if it doesn't have fish.

Once you've decided what you want, you need to decide how large you want it. And let me tell you - almost anyone who has installed a water feature or pond will tell you that one of the main things they would change would be to make their pond bigger! Yes, it's possible to expand or add onto an existing installation, but it's almost always less expensive to make the larger installation in the first place!

While you are making plans for rocks, waterfall, plants and so forth, be sure to include a spot to sit and enjoy your pond - and fish, if you have them. Consider adding a feature such as a pergola - these provide broken shade for you and can do the same for the koi in your pond if extended over a portion of the pond. You can also wire these to include lighting, or an overhead fan to further add to the comfort of relaxing and enjoying the peace and tranquility of your new addition.

If you aren't sure about koi, but do want a fairly large pond - install a bottom drain! It doesn't require immediate hookup to a pump or filter, but even without fish it can be invaluable if you need to drain the pond for cleaning, or to repair a leak. Then, if/when you decide to add koi at some later date, your bottom drain is already plumbed and just waiting for the addition of a mechanical filter and pump! The plumbing costs very little at this point in time, and can save a lot at a later date.

Here are just a few other things to think about as you are planning your new addition. First, all the dirt that comes out of that hole can be used to a) create a raised planting bed along the back; b) raise the sides of your pond and reduce the depth you need to dig; or c) build up the area where you want a waterfall. For oxygenation - or just to hear the sound of water - you might also add a fountain, perhaps in statue form. Plants include bog plants - these can be separated from the main pond with a narrow border that still allows water in to maintain the moisture these plants need. A stream can add more movement with additional oxygenation and filtering, and waterfalls are great for movement, the music of water in motion, and oxygenation. A path and bridge can add to your viewing enjoyment. And edging can be grass, slate, brick, rock, or any combination - such as slate for your sitting area, with large rock around the rest of the pond perimeter.

For additional ideas and suggestions, please visit my blog.

Landscaping Wilmington

The Hidden Costs of a Cheap Dedicated Server


Finding the right web hosting for a determined purpose is not an easy task. The variety is so immense, that the offer of a cheap dedicated server might be tempting. The advantages of having a server exclusively reserved for you are widely known, in terms of customization, bandwidth, memory, storage, whatever traffic the hosted site may have, but at the beginning this option was nothing but very expensive and restricted to wealthy clients.

After a little while, some companies thought that it would be a great deal, to give users with a tight budget the opportunity of renting a cheap dedicated server. But... is a cheap dedicated server really cheap? Unfortunately, in most cases, it's not.

It is important to notice that frequently what is supposed to be hosting cost is not actually hosting cost. Many corporations offer very low cost servers, but hide tricks which can lead the user to fall into a trap. People argued that they found out some services where not included, when they were billed by the end of the month, with astronomic prices for basic usage of control panels, an essential feature of dedicated servers. What happens afterwards is that the client must wait until the contract is over with the subsequent waste of time and, of course, money.

How to spot hosting hidden server costs

The most important thing to do is to read the terms of use and service thoroughly, to find out specifically what kind of software is included, which hardware is implemented and whether the possible license fees for managing the control panels are included in the final price, as they are crucial to customize the features of your dedicated server.

In general, dedicated servers' providers may offer different types of managed server support and several levels of administration services: Fully Managed, where customers are completely hands-off; Managed, where customers may perform specific tasks; Self Managed, where customers provide most operations and tasks on dedicated server; and Unmanaged, where there is little to no involvement from service provider and customers provide all maintenance, upgrades, patches, security and everything else that is needed.

Whatever type of support a provider selects to offer to its customers, it is essential that every specific aspect is mentioned in the contact to avoid surprises by the end of the month.
Other important issue to consider is what kind of hardware is offered. It's very usual that the devices offered by cheap dedicated servers' providers are not enough to keep the dedicated server running in a high load scenario. Therefore, you may eventually need to upgrade the hardware, and that will leave behind the idea of a cheap dedicated server.

As a general rule, the finest web hosting providers ensure redundant systems that will decrease the number of potential data or connectivity errors, which allows them to be able to guarantee higher uptimes. However, some web hosting companies offer additional redundancy for a fee, and if you choose to go with one of these offers your cost will definitely be increased.

Keep in mind that these are only some of the aspects to consider when choosing the right cheap dedicated server; sometimes cheap ends up being costly, and if you take the time to double check what your web hosting company has to offer at first, you will definitely save yourself a lot of headaches later.

To get more information on the dedicated server hosting industry, please visit us at

Henry C. Walsh
Dedicated Server Advisor Contributor

Henry Walsh is a reputed expert in the web hosting industry. He is a regular contributor of several specialized web pages and ezines related to the subject.

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Dedicated Web Server Hosting


Web hosting is one of the revolutionary breakthroughs brought to us by the advent of cyber technology. Now you can learn, play, interact, make friends, draw, or compose music on the Net. Dedicated hosting means creating a site and making it available on the internet. Nonetheless, Websites with multiple numbers of pages, or Websites which are commercial and business oriented, are hosted at various prices. Obviously, for that there has to be a registered domain name to run the related Website. Dedicated servers are meant for faster processing and more disk space and RAM than shared hosting. A dedicated server not only allows an individual to customize and individualize server settings for his unique requirements, but also augments all kinds of Web-based works with faster delivery and maximum performance. Service Level Agreements (SLA's) are another important part of the dedicated Web hosting server requirement systems.

A combination of highly technical characteristics contributes a lot to the optimal performance of a dedicated Web hosting server, to exercise total control over the Web and its other affiliated programs and other things.

A few of the most desirable features for the ideal dedicated Web-hosting server are:

a) High availability of data processing units

b) High performance data centers for maximum output in minimum time

c) Multiple backup generators along with battery backup

d) Fiber entry on two sides of the facilities

e) Superfluous path fiber to upstream providers through multiple transport providers

f) Total of more than twenty-five gigabyte Internet connections

g) Redundant network cores and total of 30 backbone routers for optimal output mode

h) Two network operations centers staffed twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Dedicated Hosting provides detailed information on Dedicated Hosting, Dedicated Web Hosting, Dedicated Hosting Servers, Dedicated Web Server Hosting and more. Dedicated Hosting is affiliated with FTP Site Hosting.

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Aug 21, 2008

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