Blogger BlogNet68615

2 Questions Every New York Malpractice Lawyer Needs To Ask


A potential client calls the office with a story that rambles on and on. I can't follow the timeline, and I can't determine why this person is calling, and cannot tell what injury they're calling about. As politely as possible, I tell them to stop and list to this two-part question:

"What do you think was done wrong, that caused you permanent harm?"

That question usually stops most callers cold. They pause to think about the permanent injury they may have suffered. Most callers have no problem explaining how they feel a doctor or hospital did something wrong. However, when asked to link the wrongdoing to the permanent injury, many callers simply get stumped, finally recognizing that they may not have a potential case here in the State of New York.

The two-part question mentioned above has contained within it three elements needed to prove a successful case. In every medical malpractice case in New York your lawyer must be able to prove that (1) there was wrongdoing, (2) the wrongdoing caused injury, and (3) the injury is significant and permanent. Lots of callers can talk at length about elements numbered one and two, but when they think about the permanent injuries, many realize that they simply don't have any long-term permanent injury.

It is also important for any lawyer to speak to, to inform you that all three of the elements needed to prove a malpractice case must be confirmed by a medical expert who has either treated you, or reviewed all of your medical records. If any one of those elements is missing, then there's no way to successfully prove your case.

Gerry Oginski is an experienced medical malpractice and personal injury trial attorney practicing law in Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, New York, Staten Island, Nassau & Suffolk. He has tirelessly represented injured victims in all types of medical malpractice and injury cases for over 19 years. As a solo practitioner he is able to devote 100% of his time to each individual client. A client is never a file number in his office.

Take a look at Gerry's website and read his free special reports on malpractice and accident law. Read actual testimony of real doctors in medical malpractice cases. Learn answers to your legal questions. We have over 200 FAQs to the most interesting legal questions. Read about his success stories. Read the latest injury and malpractice news. I guarantee there's something for you. See Gerry's website at . Call him at 516-487-8207.

Also, go over to for Gerry's free instructional videos on malpractice & accident law.

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Aug 14, 2008

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