Blogger BlogNet68615

Are You Sabotaging Your Reader's Experience?


Most blogs, by default publish RSS feeds, to allow their readers to subscribe to the updates of the blog. The whole point of having RSS feeds in the first place, is so that people who are interested in keeping track of many blogs can read them all at one single place - their RSS aggregator software, like Google Reader or Newsgator.

Blogging platforms would allow bloggers to either publish full or partial feeds, and in the hope of bringing their RSS readers back to their blog page, many bloggers publish a partial feed.

While it probably works to bring readers back to their main page, this irritates the hell out of many people who keep track of tens or hundreds of feeds. Imagine, keeping track of 200 blog feeds, and having just a mere 10% - which is 20 blogs having partial feeds. How many new browser windows (or tabs) would you have to open to read the contents of the blog?

Most of the time, after reading the blog contents, the readers will either bookmark it the page, or just click on the red cross that closes the page. It is especially irritating when the blog page loads slowly with teeny font sizes and a cluttered layout.

Consider this, why not publish full feeds, and promote this user behavior instead - people read your article, they find it interesting, they click on the link that brings them direct to your blog post, and then they bookmark it straightaway! This saves the trouble of many readers visiting blogs, opening and closing browser windows!

I personally feel that the users will tend to look around your site more too, when they have already read your blog post contents in their feed reader. Think of it this way - whenever a person visits a site, he or she will want to read something, right? So if the person is brought to your blog post to read your post, that is what he or she will read... but if the person is brought to your blog post after reading your post, (i.e. visiting the blog to bookmark the page) he or she will find something else to read, which can be what you have at your sidebars - the adverts your are publishing and your related posts.

Are you publishing a partial RSS feed for your blog? Consider what hassle you are bringing to your readers! Switch to full feeds today!

Tan Kian Ann is an advocate and mentor for creating sustainable home based eMarketing businesses. To claim your free eCourse worth $147 on how to get create a sustainable eMarketing business, and live the "money rolling in while you sleep" lifestyle, check out Kian Ann's eMarketing Lifestyle project

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Understanding the Jargon of Blogging


Small business blogging is fairly new to most people. The benefits of a successful blog are well-known but hard to attain. Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject and have become a great public relations tool. Blogging can be confusing if you are new to the concept. Blogs, just like the internet, have created new vocabulary words. Learning the new lingo is essential if you plan to pioneer the blogging world. Here are 10 jargon words commonly used within the blogging community.

  • Blogosphere - A term encompassing all blogs and their interconnections. It is the perception that blogs exist together as a connected community or as a social network.

  • Biz Blog - A blog owned and operated by a business or corporation.

  • Blog carnival - A blog post that links to other articles and web site within or outside of the blog. They tend to cover the same topic. Blog carnivals are hosted by frequent contributors to the carnival, working in rotation. A blog carnival also highlights new bloggers that post on the topic in question.

  • Blog Roll - A list of blogs you recommend to visit. It is typical that these blogs also link to you and it is a community of shared opinions and ideas. Blog rolls are also called link exchanges.

  • Link Love - Posting a link of similar topics without being paid to do so.

  • RSS Feed - is a group of web feed formats used to publish updated content. This includes blog entries, news headlines and podcasts.

  • Vlog - A video blog. This is small but growing fad that could change the way people blog.

  • Trackback -A notification from one blogger to another sending a ping using software to tell of written material related to your blog post on my blog. Trackback includes a "TrackBack URL" with each post that displays other blogs that have linked to it

  • Common Moderation - This allows the blog directors to filter out comments they do not want posted on the blog.

  • Event blog - A blog that contains content specific to an event.

There are many more words new to blogging dictionary. These are just a few jargon words relevant to business and marketing blogs.

About the Author: Kurt is the Public Relations Manager for Kinetica Media, an Internet marketing company that works to harness the power of websites, email and search marketing for businesses so they can get and keep more customers. Visit to see how their proven online marketing services can increase your customer loyalty & overall sales.

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Nov 3, 2008

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