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Isagenix International cleansing and fat burning Systems


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Health Claims For Bio-Magnetic Therapy


The medical applications of magnetism are no longer just relegated to such things as high tech diagnostic devices, like the MRI, and magnetic dental implants. The health claims attributed to magnets have many people donning magnetic jewelry, "sports magnets" and other forms of "bio-magnets." Some studies have indicated that bio-magnetic therapy may provide an alternative form of therapy for injuries.

There has recently been a resurgence of interest in using the basic principles of magnetism to treat pain and discomfort. Various athletes wear flexible coated magnets in lumbar supports, in knee braces, wrist bands, elbow supports, ankle supports, sewn into clothing or in their shoes. These flexible magnets are very popular with golfers and can be found in many pro-shops. Magnetic bracelets are also very popular but generally make no specific health claims. There are even "whole body" magnet kits for sale that include a variety of flexible and wrap-around magnets for any part of the body! Some people sew flexible magnets into clothing to wear while exercising or training. But be careful wearing magnets, of any type, during contact sports could cause injury to you, your teammate or your opponent.

Magnet therapy dates back to the time of Plato when they were used to treat muscle spasms and gout. During the middle Ages, people placed magnets on the skin in an attempt to "attract diseases out of the body". Today magnets are theoretically used to affect red blood cells (which contain iron) as they respond to a magnetic field causing the cells to become more active. Supposedly, more active red blood cells use more oxygen thereby causing a more rapid healing. Bio Magnetics International claims that magnetic therapy causes a quicker removal of lactic acid from overworked muscles, resulting in a faster recovery time, and a change in the migration of calcium ions that aid in the removal of toxins from arthritic joints. The magnet's negative pole (N pole) appears to contain the healing energy. Negative electromagnetic fields appear necessary for healing to take place.

Medical claims include: temporarily relieving pain and stiffness, helping to heal bone fractures, treat "restless leg syndrome", treat severe depression (replacing electroconvulsive treatment) and to assist in the "maintenance" of peripheral blood flow. Magnets have also been shown to decrease pain in diabetic peripheral neuropathy and post-polio pain, but pain returned when magnetic therapy was discontinued. There are also on-going studies using magnetism for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Some sources suggest that more than 70% of those who tried biomagnetic products have found some level of improvement for their condition. Around the world, magnetic-pulse therapy is used to treat thoroughbred horses with leg and spine injuries.

Research has shown that when charged particles pass through a magnetic field perpendicularly, they generate an alternating current that generates heat, expands blood vessels and increases blood flow with increased oxygen and nutrients to heal an injured site. Although magnet therapy may help to relieve pain and discomfort, it is not an accepted medical treatment and a medical doctor should be consulted for any serious condition. More controlled studies are needed to determine the best strengths of magnets and to determine any dangers or side effects.

If you decide to try magnet therapy, choose a magnet with its strength labeled. A magnet's strength is measured in gauss. The higher the number the stronger the magnet: usually 300 to 500 gauss. Your favorite magnet on the fridge is about 60 gauss!

The jury is still out on determining the optimal magnetic field for specific medical conditions. When more studies are done, you'll know whether your magnet is too weak, too strong or just right for your condition.

Note: A physician should be consulted prior to using magnets and to rule out possible medical conditions. Don't stop any treatment that you are on without the consent of your physician. Make sure your physician is aware of any shrapnel or surgical screws and pins in your body. Don't use magnets at the same time as you use an electric blanket or electric heating pad. Magnets should not be used around a pacemaker or implant or if pregnant.

Mr. Klemens is an accomplished author, writer, and practicing pharmacist. He has authored a book on integrative medicine (Mountains and Rivers: Complementing your Healthcare with Alternative Medicine, ISBN: 1-4033-8672-2) and numerous articles in local, national, and international magazines, and web sites. Topics include integrative medicine, Oriental medicine, herbs and supplements, health and fitness, Scottish culture, and leadership and ethics. He is also listed in the Marquis Who's Who in America, a member of Clan Gregor, and is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.


Every one wants to have good health.

In Ayurveda the recommended way to restore and maintain ideal health, harmony, and vitality is to follow a self care routine that is specific to your individual needs and characteristics. It"s referred to as your particular mind/body constitution or "Dosha".

You can begin to determine this for yourself by asking a few questions and looking at your usual characteristics. It's simple.

Everyone is a combination of the three mind/body types. Yet, everyone also has a predominant type, or dosha. They are called: Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Once you start to see the traits inherent in each, it's easy to see how they influence your life, your health and members of your family too. Usually there is an awareness, that A-ha! moment.....Oh! So that's why I do this/that..........that's why my, son, daughter, spouse is this way.

The main attributes of Vata, and how they are expressed are:

DRY..........dry skin, hair, lips, tongue, dry colon, tending toward constipation.

LIGHT.......light muscles, bones, thin body frame, light and scanty sleep, underweight.

COLD........cold hands, feet, poor circulation, hates cold and Ioves hot, stiffness in muscles.

ROUGH.....rough, cracked skin, nails, hair, teeth, hands and feet, cracking joints.

SUBTLE....subtle fear, anxiety, insecurity, minute muscle twitching, fine tremors, delicate body walking, talking, doing many things at a time, restless eyes, eyebrows, hands, feet, unstable joints, many dreams, loves traveling but doesn't stay in one place, swinging moods and shaky faith.

CLEAR.....clairvoyant, understands and forgets immediately, clear, open mind, experiences void and loneliness.

ASTRINGENT..dry choking sensation in the throat, frequent hiccups and burping, loves oily, mushy soups,craving for sweet, sour, salty tastes.

So, take a look, see which of these qualities have been predominant for you, for most of your life. Each dosha is associated with a season......Vata's characteristics are predominant in Fall and Winter, when it is cold, dry, and windy. So, if you never seem to get warm, or have cold hands and feet when everyone else is "comfortable" chances are your primary dosha is vata.

Vata is the one dosha that tends to go out of balance most easily. This is just the "tip of the iceberg".....but it will help you get started in understanding what qualities are predominant for you. Once you know these you can see where you may be out of balance and how to correct them through an Ayurvedic lifestyle, diet, and routine.

And now I would like to offer you free access to my report " 7 Natural Health Tips for Having More Energy". You can download it by going to

From Martha Gesegnet RN ~ The Natural Health Maven and

Software Testing

Life insurance, more than most things you buy, relates to the circumstances of your life. You buy life insurance to protect your family from financial loss stemming from your death. You tie the amount of your life insurance to the money your family will need to provide an income, pay off debts, put children through college and cover financial commitments.

But what happens to life insurance when youre about to dissolve your marriage? How do you deal fairly with a soon-to-be ex-spouse, yet still make sure you have coverage for the future? Is there a way to provide for adult children of a previous marriage without going broke -- especially if you have children through a second or third marriage?

Here are a number of considerations you should be aware of:

- Dont assume that your insurance agent or company knows about your circumstances. If you dont change your beneficiary, your former spouse may receive the proceeds of your policy upon your death. If the designation simply reads, husband of the insured or wife of the insured, and there is no new spouse, the secondary beneficiary receives the proceeds.

- You may be able to transfer ownership rights of the policy as part of a property settlement or to ensure continuation of alimony payments. Your ex-spouse may not press as hard for more support or a greater slice of an ongoing pension if he or she remains the designated beneficiary on a permanent life insurance policy. Of course, you need to ensure that your policy remains a valuable asset by keeping up premium payments.

However, transferring an existing cash value policy (as opposed to a term policy, may carry with it the burden of federal gift tax, unless you transfer the policy prior to divorce. Be sure to discuss this option prior to the finalization of your divorce.

- Dont overlook the possibilities life insurance may provide for dealing fairly with children from your previous marriage. If youre paying alimony to your previous spouse and have a second family with your new spouse, adult children from your first marriage may sue your estate after youre gone if they arent dealt with at least as fairly as the children from your subsequent marriage(s).

A permanent life insurance policy can be an immediate "estate replacer" to children from your first marriage -- it helps you replicate accumulated assets that you wish to pass on to the children of your first family -- but cant afford to without neglecting the needs of your new family. Essentially, you purchase a permanent life insurance policy on yourself and designate your adult children as beneficiaries. When you die, proceeds bypass the probate process and pass directly to your adult children. Your immediate spouse and any children from that marriage are left with your accumulated property and assets -- so youve provided for both families.

If youre contemplating divorce, dont forget the options you may have with respect to your life insurance coverage. Divorce is tough enough -- dont overlook the flexibility and security this valuable asset can provide.

Matt McWilliams is one of the co-founders of HometownQuotes.Com, an online insurance quotes web site. He is originally from Pinebluff, NC and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 2002. He is considered an expert in the field of online insurance shopping and finding new ways to help consumers save money on their insurance. For more information visit

Student loan debt consolidation

How to Overcome Dental Costs?


Healthy teeth play an important role in our life and provide us the much needed self-confidence. However, dental ailments can make us lose that confidence and self respect. This calls for a need to take preventive dental care which would keep away from serious dental problems. Let us understand the root cause of the problems first, before delving deeper into it.

Studies reveal that there are various causes for the dental problems. Lack of proper knowledge about the dental care is considered to be one of the major causes. Especially in America, there is always a perennial possibility of dental diseases because of the food habits of Americans. This doesn't mean that the food habits have to be changed but it stresses the importance of taking proper dental care.

However, majority of the Americans hate visiting dentists. There are various reasons for this. It has been understood that skyrocketing dental costs are one among those reasons. The situation has become worse today as majority of the Americans couldn't afford proper dental care. Having a dental insurance would solve this problem to a certain extent but people are hesitant to opt for them because of the rising dental premiums. Dental insurance is has become unaffordable for an average American.

The introduction of dental discount plans by Ameriplan has solved this problem to a major extent. The dental discount plans offered by Ameriplan provides discounts up to 80% on the medical expenses which would reduce the dental costs to a great extent. Ameriplan dental discount plans start with a premium as low as $19.95 and provides coverage for the whole family. More information on the dental discount plans can be had by visiting


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Home Owners Insurance


Nothing hits us as bad as financial troubles, especially when they involve the home; no-one knows what the future will bring but we can still prepare for events that may happen. For your house, there are potential threats which need to be guarded against and do not forget the dangers that also originate from other people, like acts such as burglary and arson. Arranging a homeowner's insurance policy is a binding contract that means the insurance company must pay out on a valid claim providing all premiums are up to date.

Examples of things covered under a typical house insurance policy might be theft, fire, vandalism, or other damage to your property. The amount that a normal policy will pay out is quite high and most likely the average person would not reach this limit but they will invariably have to pay a deductible first.

Most insurers have homeowners insurance as part of their portfolio and the majority can now accept applications directly from their internet site. It doesn't take that long to visit a decent number of websites to obtain quotes from all of them and see what you can get from each for the monthly premium they are asking.

Comparing insurance quotes, online or off is a good idea as just what the policy actually covers that is more important than the cost. Mortgage lenders are also quick to stipulate that a house must have homeowners insurance as a guarantee that they will be covered in the vent of a large claim.

However, if you want to save money, shop around between the different local insurers to see what offers they have on. Many insurance companies will allow you to adjust your deductible so in the event of a claim you would be liable for a greater amount before the policy pays out but it will reduce the premium each month.

You also need to consider covering the replacement cost of your belongings versus covering the actual worth as your old TV may cost 500 dollars to replace, but probably wouldn't bring more than 50 dollars at a garage sale. Replacement Value policies should really be standard but many people are reduced to trying to find replacements for insured possessions from garage sales or thrift shops because they overlooked this important aspect.

Your home probably cost a great deal as did the possessions inside and the sentimental value should not be overlooked either. Before you finally make your decision, make sure that as many items that are precious to you are covered by your homeowner's insurance policy because if something happens that you didn't include, you could be out of pocket.

Home Owners Insurance
House Insurance
Homeowners Insurance Policy

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Sep 3, 2008

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