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Ayurveda and Natural Health - How to Figure Out Your Mind/Body Type

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Every one wants to have good health.

In Ayurveda the recommended way to restore and maintain ideal health, harmony, and vitality is to follow a self care routine that is specific to your individual needs and characteristics. It"s referred to as your particular mind/body constitution or "Dosha".

You can begin to determine this for yourself by asking a few questions and looking at your usual characteristics. It's simple.

Everyone is a combination of the three mind/body types. Yet, everyone also has a predominant type, or dosha. They are called: Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Once you start to see the traits inherent in each, it's easy to see how they influence your life, your health and members of your family too. Usually there is an awareness, that A-ha! moment.....Oh! So that's why I do this/that..........that's why my, son, daughter, spouse is this way.

The main attributes of Vata, and how they are expressed are:

DRY..........dry skin, hair, lips, tongue, dry colon, tending toward constipation.

LIGHT.......light muscles, bones, thin body frame, light and scanty sleep, underweight.

COLD........cold hands, feet, poor circulation, hates cold and Ioves hot, stiffness in muscles.

ROUGH.....rough, cracked skin, nails, hair, teeth, hands and feet, cracking joints.

SUBTLE....subtle fear, anxiety, insecurity, minute muscle twitching, fine tremors, delicate body walking, talking, doing many things at a time, restless eyes, eyebrows, hands, feet, unstable joints, many dreams, loves traveling but doesn't stay in one place, swinging moods and shaky faith.

CLEAR.....clairvoyant, understands and forgets immediately, clear, open mind, experiences void and loneliness.

ASTRINGENT..dry choking sensation in the throat, frequent hiccups and burping, loves oily, mushy soups,craving for sweet, sour, salty tastes.

So, take a look, see which of these qualities have been predominant for you, for most of your life. Each dosha is associated with a season......Vata's characteristics are predominant in Fall and Winter, when it is cold, dry, and windy. So, if you never seem to get warm, or have cold hands and feet when everyone else is "comfortable" chances are your primary dosha is vata.

Vata is the one dosha that tends to go out of balance most easily. This is just the "tip of the iceberg".....but it will help you get started in understanding what qualities are predominant for you. Once you know these you can see where you may be out of balance and how to correct them through an Ayurvedic lifestyle, diet, and routine.

And now I would like to offer you free access to my report " 7 Natural Health Tips for Having More Energy". You can download it by going to

From Martha Gesegnet RN ~ The Natural Health Maven and

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