Blogger BlogNet68615

Linux Web Hosting

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While hosting a website, the owner has to decide whether he wants to host his website on the Windows platform or the Linux platform. While Windows web hosting seems to be a natural choice, Linux is catching on fast all over the world.

A Windows platform does not necessarily require a Linux environment to host a website. That said, Linux is considered to be safe, reliable, and economical and it is preferred for demanding website environments.

Generally, the choice of the operating system to host your website depends upon the scripting language that is used in your website. If languages like PHP, MySQL, or Perl are used in your website, Linux is preferred. Added to this is the very high uptime rate for Linux-based servers. These servers have the reputation of maintaining a high uptime of 99.9%. No wonder Linux-based web hosting is the most widely used web host in the world!

A Linux website can easily be converted to a Windows website without much hassle. Also, the website can easily be changed as the requirement of the user grows. Linux web hosting is very economical as Linux is a free operating system. Usually, only the cost of distribution is borne by the host or owner.

However, a Linux environment is not without its kinks. It your website has interactive facilities like chat or searchable database, Linux may not be the best choice. Also, a Linux-based web server is not fully compliant with Windows technologies. If you are using any Windows-centric technologies such VB, its better to go for Windows-based servers.

The bottom line? Make the choice for an operating system for your website based on the kind of website you are about to host.

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