Blogger BlogNet68615

Common Uses and Misuses of Bots in World of Warcraft

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World of Warcraft is easily one of the most popular compute games to come along in this decade. That also happens to make World of Warcraft one of the most easily targeted instances of shortcuts and cheating by players around the world. Players who use cheats, hacks and scams are commonplace as they want to finish the game quicker and get further without putting in quite as much time.

Blizzard has done their part to keep the use of these cheats and hacks to a minimum, and the terms of service that every player agrees to before logging into their accounts after an update outline exactly what might happen if a player cheats. Regardless, various World of Warcraft bots are used on a regular basis to make certain aspects of the game slightly easier.

What is a Bot?

A bot is essentially a simple piece of software that makes takes over the job of basic interaction between the game and player, cutting out a few of the less desirable tasks that players must perform to level up in World of Warcraft. Often, bots will bypass simple tasks such as fighting lower level characters or seeking out mining and herbalism veins.

A player who has only put a couple of hours into World of Warcraft can reach level 60 or 70 with only the smallest input of time and energy. Of course, Blizzard immediately turns to crack down on this rampant use of Bots to cheat in World of Warcraft. Thousands of players have been banned outright for their use of Bots and the risk is still high for anyone still considering using one.

The Long Term Effect of Bots

Because theyve become a target for Blizzard, Bots have also started developing rapidly to overcome their detection methods and make it easier to track down and ban players who are cheating in World of Warcraft. This creates higher quality bots as well as third party services designed to offer the same quick leveling and gold creation services without the immediate risk of using software to cheat. Of course, those that use leveling services in World of Warcraft are just as at risk as anyone else of losing their account for cheating though it is slightly harder for Blizzard to track this activity.

Ultimately, its important for you, as the gamer, to read through the Terms of Service every now and then to realize that many of the actions you might be considering are in fact no allowed. If you utilize these methods and your account is banned, the writing is right there telling you that you agreed not to do it. Its also important to realize when other players might be utilizing bots or cheating in World of Warcraft, especially if it is affecting you directly; then it is vital to inform someone of that activity.

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