Blogger BlogNet68615

Health Connections - How To Improve Your Emotional Health

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If there were a way to elevate your ability to stretch beyond your own self-imposed constraints (and even the opinion of others), you'd want to know how, right?

When you feel strong and secure to explore your beliefs, you often discover the ability to challenge the old beliefs that no longer serve you. You can boost your confidence level, and it starts by first becoming aware of the emotional limits you might be accepting. Then, you can begin going beyond those limits in your physical goals, in your personal relationships, and in your spiritual path.

You can help yourself:

  • Raise awareness of your own self-talk (both positive and negative)
  • Leverage self-talk to learn and grow
  • Lift your confidence level for a more positive self-image
  • Laugh more at yourself
  • Take full responsibility for choices in life, without blaming, justifying or rationalizing your actions
  • Inspire others with your life

5 Suggestions for Taking Action:

  1. The first step is awareness. Once you recognize negative thoughts, say (either aloud or to yourself), "Cancel." Then replace it with a positive thought and gratitude. For example, if you get up in the morning and tell yourself, "I don't want to go to work - I hate this job." Immediately, say, "Cancel. I am so fortunate to have a job in this economy, and until I find a more suitable job, I am going to be grateful for the one I have and do my best."
  2. Pay attention to what you say to yourself and others. Recognize when you are having negative thoughts or expressing negative thoughts. What you think about expands. If you come into work everyday and talk about how tired you are, that is what will expand, and you'll be tired all day. If you complain about your boss with your co-workers, that is what will expand, and you will see more things to complain about.
  3. Take 100% responsibility for everything in your life - your job, your level of income, your family life, your physical appearance, your good health as well as your sickness. The list is endless. Everything that you experience in your life is because you brought it there. What you think about expands. If you are always saying, "I have no money, I can't afford that, I don't get paid enough," then you are responsible for what you have or do not have. So,when you find yourself complaining or feeling low about anything, say, "I am responsible for this, and I can change it if I want to."
  4. Don't take yourself so seriously. We all make mistakes, and we all do stupid things now and then. Learn from your mistakes. If you learn to take things in stride and laugh at your mistakes, you'll be much happier and the stress will start to disappear.
  5. Honor your commitments. You will inspire others to do the same.

And, now I would like to offer you a free special report entitled, "Running 4 Your Life: How to Improve Your Physical, Emotional, Relationship, and Spiritual Health." Go to

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