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A Simple Tip to Clear Acne

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The main acne causing factor is skin oil and this is produced by overactive glands. Vitamin B5 (also known as pantothenic acid) regulates your oil producing glands to a normal level, similar to Accutane without the severe side effects. The reason too much oil is being released has to do with the lipids and fatty acid deposits underneath the skin not getting broken down and re-circulated into the bloodstream. Instead they are being released as sebum (oil). What enables our body to break down these fatty acids is directly related to an enzyme called coenzyme A, which is an essential enzyme to the body and is used for fatty acid metabolism.

When there is enough Vitamin B5 available in the diet, the deficiency in coenzyme A is eliminated. As a result, a person's fatty acids get broken down and the skin doesn't over release oil. Without the over releasing of oil, acne does not occur. Vitamin B5 is NOT dangerous. Even though high dosages are required to effectively treat acne, Vitamin B5 is water soluble, meaning any excess is lost through urination and not retained by your body. No toxicity symptoms have been reported in literature. No Tolerable Upper Limit (UL) was established.

Tips to taking Vitamin B5 for acne:

  • Take it with food, 3-4 times a day as this will minimize any side effects.
  • Take a good multi-vitamin, B-Complex, vitamin E and fish oil or evening primrose oil.
  • Minimize alcohol consumption as it is known to deplete Vitamin B5 and other essential nutrients in the body.

There are many brands of vitamin B5 on the market, in order to know the exact brand which will heal your acne follow the link- Acne Natural Remedies. Here you will find a detailed information about the products which have pure ingredients and the products which are specifically designed to treat your acne. Any type of acne can be cured with the help of these products.

Best Acne Cure

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