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Antique Diamond Rings Shopping Guide

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Although antique diamond rings are preferred by many, untreated diamonds are a rarity and accordingly, have a higher price tag than their treated alternatives. Not surprisingly, the value of an untreated stone continues to increase as the market for the treated alternative continues to grow. If you are fortunate enough to own or acquire an untreated gem, make sure you have a trusted jeweler who will educate you on the stone's history, value and other items of interest.

Early on in the history of diamonds, only royalty were allowed to wear the precious stones. In fact, kings were allowed to possess diverse colors while others were allowed to wear only the color awarded to their caste. Although unproven, the assigned color is believed to have been associated with such things as invulnerability, lightning, magic, healing, protection and poisoning.

The Georgian Period, named for the procession of kings named George, was a period known for handmade jewelry with new cuts gaining in popularity and demand. Since diamonds were most exclusively used at the beginning of the period, larger stones were replaced with a combination of smaller diamonds portraying a cascade manifestation.

An engagement ring is typically regarded as a symbol of two lives being joined into one and more times than not, the stone of choice is a diamond. As a promise of eternal love, their value is limitless. Of course economically speaking, certain stones will cost more than others depending on a number of factors used to measure their value.

Not only are diamonds known for their beauty and symbol of eternal love, they have time-tested strength and durability. Natural diamonds have proven to withstand knocks and scratches of everyday life inflicted over years of wear. By contrast, their treated counterparts have not been given this same test of time for the obvious reason they have not been around as long.

When selecting the perfect stone, some believe that size is the most important thing. In fact, many believe that the larger the carat, the more expensive the ring. However, there are other factors that come into play when determining price. One of these factors is the color grading system. For example, colorless diamonds are the most expensive while a noticeable yellow color will cost less.

Although there are many mounting styles to choose for your antique ring, many choose the prong setting. The prong setting allows for more of the diamond to be viewed and can accommodate a larger size. This style choice is often less expensive than many other styles as well.

Diamonds often symbolize wealth and status. However, beyond the traditional symbolism the chosen cut of the stone can provide some personal insight. Generally speaking, individuals wearing a rectangle or square cut display discipline and a value for organization and honesty. Someone preferring the pear cut tends to be adaptable and is often centered on their home and community.

Once you have sorted through your options for antique diamond rings and found the one you want, be sure to take proper steps to care for it. Diamonds tend to attract grease and oils naturally so always remove them when using hand lotions or creams and keep them clean with a mild cleaning from time to time.

Looking for quality used diamond rings and jewelry? Visit to learn more about diamond cuts, antique diamond rings and getting the best value for your money.

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