Blogger BlogNet68615

Monetizing Wordpress Blogs - Make Money From Wordpress Blogs

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There are just so many ways of making money from your wordpress blogs, it's impossible to name everything in detail so you'll be shown the overall ideas that most people do to monetize their wordpress blogs.

First thing that everyone can think of is Google AdSense. Simply by posting relevant topics within your blog & putting up AdSense ads, you can get paid when someone clicks on your AdSense ads.

Some people may not like doing AdSense or they find that AdSense didn't pay them too well, so they switched over to Auction Ads. Auction Ads display live auctions based on the keywords you add into the system. You get paid, each time someone bids on an auction item after clicking on your ad.

Affiliate marketing would be another popular way to make money from your blogs. It's simply selling some else's product for a commission. A truly win-win-win situation for merchant, affiliate & buyer.

Selling your products & services. Just treat your blog as an advertising platform & all the ads focus on selling your own products & services.

Selling text links. There are many webmasters willing to pay for traffic to their websites or blogs. All you have to do is allow them to put a link on your blog & they pay you monthly. If you want it to be totally hassle free, you can sign up through a text link ad network.

Selling advertising. This can be a very steady source of income if you can get sponsors who are interested in reaching your readers with their products & services.

These are the most direct ways to earn money from your blogs, so take your pick & choose the one that suits you & your industry the most.

Samuel has always been making money from wordpress blogs using his unique Automatic Blogging Income System. He wrote Strategic Blogging Manifesto & it is available to you at zero cost. On top of that, he is always giving away unique yet practical tips on topics such as blogging, affiliate marketing & ppc on his blog - The Ultimate Publishing Blog

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