Blogger BlogNet68615

7 Benefits of Blogging

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Blogs are getting more popular by the day, and today even many of the Fortune 500 companies are getting in to blogging. Why is that so? What are the benefits of blogging, and why must you start your blog today?

Here are 7 good reasons!

1. Search engine marketing

Blogs are great platforms to capture organic search engine traffic! A well written, keyword targeted and frequently updated blog is the ultimate tool for you to rank high in major search engines.

2. Communication and conversations

Most blog platforms allow readers to leave comments on each blog post, providing a channel for you to communicate directly and quickly to your customers. With the possibility of this two way communication, you can also gather feedback about your products and services. Furthermore, the update is real time. If you install the appropriate software and plugins, you can literally create a chat room for each post!

3. Brand outreach

Blogs are also a great way for brand outreach. Instead of having the customer buy one of your products and marking the end of the transaction, blogs allow you to say "Now you've bought our product, you are part of this brand in this community!"

4. Marketing through relations

Because the customer is engaged in with the conversations going on in your blog, over the long term, you can build a personal and long lasting relationships with these customers, fostering trust. With that trust, it would be much easier to up-sell or cross-sell other products in the future.

5. Niche exploitation

While many websites emphasize that there is a need to go niche, blogs allow you to exploit many niches. Every post that you create is made into a page on its own, fully targeted for one keyword.

6. Positioning as an expert

A blog gives you the opportunity to articulate your thoughts and tell people about your experiences about issues in your industry. With a huge archive of posts serving as your "personal knowledge base", you can easily position yourself as an expert in the industry.

7. Low Cost

Many blogging platforms allow you to set up a blog for free. A blog also does not require expert technical knowledge to operate and maintain. It's said that if you can send an email, you can blog! All you have to do is to log into the administration panel when you need to blog, write, and submit your post.

Tan Kian Ann is an advocate and mentor for creating sustainable home based eMarketing businesses. To claim your free eCourse worth $147 on how to get create a sustainable eMarketing business, and live the "money rolling in while you sleep" lifestyle, check out Kian Ann's eMarketing Lifestyle project

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