Blogger BlogNet68615

What is a Blog and How Do I Start Blogging?

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We have all heard of the term blog. What does it mean? The word blog comes from the two words "web" and "log".

What is a blog?

A blog is a form of diary that is displayed on the internet. There are many types of blogs. There are art blogs for artists. They can display their artwork freely for all to see and enjoy. There are video blogs. One example of a video blog would be "You Tube". This allows anyone to post any type of video they want for the world to view.

There are travel blogs. These are usually filled with anecdotes or day by day tidbits of travels.

There are diary blogs too. Diary blogs are usually only sent to people the writer knows. It is a general way to let everyone they know what is going on in there life. These are becoming increasingly popular as a pregnancy online journal or a baby journal. They help to keep people connected with one another with the latest news and updates.

Professionals also use blogs. Newspapers now feature them on their papers. There is also usually a section for readers to comment on an issue or article written.

Their Increasing Popularity

One of the reasons why blogs are so popular is that they are quick to set up, get indexed very fast by Google, plus are very interactive. People are encouraged to leave genuine comments on them to interact with the creator of the blog.

Where Are The Majority Of Bloggers Coming From?

One of the main reasons why people start a blog is to make money online. They are a very popular choice for internet businesses because of their ease of use, the ability to upload wordpress plugins to them and the fact that search engines love them.

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