Blogger BlogNet68615

How To Increase AdSense Earnings By Enabling Site Navigation?

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Google AdSense is the best and no cost way to monetize your website. Almost all the webmasters are using AdSense to earn a residual income from their website. The main factor that decides your AdSense earnings is the keywords that describe your site. There are many tools available in the market that does a research and gives you most searched keywords. If you have your site centered on these targeted keywords you will have more and more visitors to your site thereby increasing CTR and getting more dollars with AdSense.

But practically things are not very easy as they sound. Even though you have content rich site that has targeted keywords you may not be able to make much out of AdSense. The main reason will be your inability to drive visitors to your website. All the pages in your site might not contain high paying keywords. When you have visitors to other pages in your site, you have to drive them to your high paying pages. You can do this when you are able to manage site navigation in your website.

You will be getting visitors to your site as a result of their search for specific keywords. These internet users are actually searching for want of information. They have come to your site to know more about their interest. If your content is original and useful, they will like to visit other pages on your site o gather more information. This navigation within your website is called site navigation.

Certain pages in your website might contain highly targeted keywords and they pay more for a single click. To maximize your earnings you have to drive your visitor to the high paying page irrespective of the webpage they have landed. For this reason, you must maintain flashy links to your high paying pages. Some popular link names are free, download etc. But these names are already widely used. You must always think of something unique and catchy that is sure to attract the readers.

The link names give the first impression about the content for the viewer. They must be attention grabbing. When the user likes the link then he will be compelled to visit the page of that link. This way you can drive him to your high paying page and when he clicks on an ad your target with that viewer is achieved.

You have to use your intelligence to find catchy link names that will fascinate the viewer to click. You can even use graphics or attention grabbing animations to pull the visitor to your desired page. Links like Hot pages, most read, most liked are all commonly used. Give a name that makes the viewer feel that you are going to offer something different.

Before publishing your website, visit websites that are also targeting the same keywords. This research will give you an inside look on what your competitors are offering for your visitors and this will give you an idea of how you can pose things differently. When you design your site, always check it with the visitor's perspective. If you are a visitor to a similar site, think what you need from them. Then ensure that your site provides all that is required for an average visitor.

Your links should not be clumsy. The description of your links must be brief and sweet and should initiate the viewer to click on them. Don't use the same link names for hot pages in all your WebPages. Try different texts and find out which text is bringing more visitors to your high paying page.

You can use the feature of AdSense that enables you to open the advertiser's page in a new window. This feature allows you to retain visitors to your own site. Your navigation bar should be such that the user must be forced to stay in your site for some minutes so that they will click on various links. When you tie your visitors to your website, then they will likely click on many AdSense ads generating more money for you. The navigation you provide must be clear, convenient, compelling and useful for the visitors.

Learn How to Earn Money Online by AdSense.

Visit Adsense For Beginners for best tips to get maximum revenue through AdSense.

Content Provided by Freelance Content Writer


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