Blogger BlogNet68615

Blogging Has Benefits, But Don't Overwhelm Your Loyal Readers

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Is it possible to blog too much? Well, if you only have one or two blogs it is possible. For instance, if you post more than once a day on a small business blog you may be overwhelming those folks who may only visit your blog once a week and if you only blog once a week you may be underwhelming those who visit your blog every day or twice a week.

If a blogger is part of a larger social network and blogs too much or is perceived outside the norm they might be called a Blog Hog or Serial Blogger. Whether or not there is such a thing, often social network type bloggers do have their little status quo non-spoken rules that they go by and when those are thought to be violated there are generally repercussions.

Turning off fellow bloggers is an unfortunate problem for new bloggers and that is not the only folks who will be turned off. It also upsets your faithful readers and dedicated subscribers as well. Now, some folks write a lot and are power bloggers, they write so much no one can keep up. Rather than trying to cram all that information into a single blog, it makes sense to have many blogs. This way no one is too awfully upset by the high pace of production or amount they have to read to keep up with that blog.

There is no doubt now that Blogging has its benefits, but you must remember not to overwhelm your Loyal Readers with too much of a good thing. I certainly hope you understand this critical point as you blog, as you should not let your blog run away. Keep it on a leash and have a great blogging day!

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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Blogger BlogNet68615: Blogging Has Benefits, But Don't Overwhelm Your Loyal Readers

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