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Discover the Amazing Health Benefits of Tea

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We have always been advised against drinking tea and warned about the underlying risks of excessive intake of tea. Now with researches and new theories the old school of thought is being discarded and tea drinking is considered to be very useful for health. We bring you some health benefits of tea.

Lowers Cholesterol

Tea has been found to be a great antidote for high cholesterol as they contain a compound known as flavonoids. These flavonoids contain anti-oxidant properties such as those similar to Vitamin E and C. It has been found that in a single cup of tea the anti-oxidant power is double in comparison to an apple.

Prevents Cancer

Among the health benefits of tea, it is known to fight the most dreadful disease - cancer. A study conducted in 1998 in Japan showed that women who drank 10 cups of green tea in a day were found to be cancer prone after a delayed period of 9 years and that in men was found to be 3 years.

Strengthens the Bones

Drinking tea has always been associated with weakening of bones and teeth. Now, contrary to the old belief tea has been found to help protect your bones due to the fluoride content. This is also responsible for keeping your teeth safe from cavities, any gum diseases and tooth decay.

Remedy for Nose Congestion

If you have a nasal congestion then just drop a slice of lemon in your black tea and let it simmer for five minutes. Then you can inhale the aroma and if you follow this procedure regularly for 3 days you will be cured of your ailment.

Common Cold and Flu

These are the most common illnesses that can be cured by drinking tea. Add a slice of lemon to your black tea along with half a teaspoon of mint and chamomile and let it simmer for 5 minutes in boiling water. You can drink this tea and feel the difference.

Sore Throat

For your sore throat just add a drop of honey in a cup of tea and drink it and watch the magic work.

Insomnia Solution

This tip is most effective for those who suffer from sleeplessness. Add a spoon of milk and a teaspoon of chamomile in your tea. This will help you to sleep easily,

Cures Nausea Due to Motion

Some of you may feel sick after a long travel of 3 to 4 days. Just add a piece of ginger in your tea. Sipping this ginger tea will give you much relief.

Based on various studies conducted on the health benefits of tea, it has been found that green tea and oolong tea helps in reducing the risk of hypertension, it may have a significant role in fighting AIDS and also boosts the defense system of the body.

April Kerr often creates Squidoo lenses such as health benefits of tea, how to detox your body and does lemon juice detox the liver?

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